Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Post 1 - Foreword

This piece was written by me in late 1976 / early 1977 at the age of 20 years. The prime purpose was to gather my thoughts on the subject of human being. Before this time, the more I thought on the subject the more confused I tended to become. So I decided to write my thoughts, ponder about it, and then proceed on the basis of some kind of logic created on the foundations of my perceptions of myself as the starting point of my investigation into the self.

I am reproducing it here with minimum editing to preserve my thought train at the time. After I have written this, I will continue to develop / contradict the thought process based on the ensuing 36 years of "wisdom" or lack of it.

I will publish these thoughts  in a series of blog-posts in the same sequence i wrote them originally.

It is meant essentially for my family members to know what the writer used to think when he was quite young, like they are now.

Section Headings have been included now for clarity and were not a part of the original writing.

[ ] brackets signify that the enclosed words are added now for clarifying the meaning and are not a part of the original text.

The Fundamental Question

What is a human being ? This is a very complex problem. By human being, I mean the human mind - the brain and its workings. One has such a ample research material in hand - for I am a human being and so are my near and dears. But still one cant make even a single foolproof basic structure of the brains reactionary capacities.

The best research material is myself. I know what I am. What I do, and what I will do and also what I think I will do but when the particular situation arises, I will not do. So, What am I ?

I am a person who is not sure of myself in anything. I have my outside principles and adhere to them but my "Inside" principles - the path which I should follow whole of my life - are not made. As I am just 20, I dont think this is something unnatural. But still I have been thinking of this for the last 2 years and I am frightened of myself.

... To Continue in next post

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